How to prepare the surface?

- Area must be properly clean before applying decal. (We recommend rubbing alcohol).

- DO NOT use glass cleaning products because many will leave a residue behind and will prevent the decal from adhering.

- Area must be smooth, oil and wax free.

- If chemicals for example Rain-X is on your window you should give it a few
weeks for the Rain-X to be completely gone before apply decal.

- If you wash your car in a auto car wash you should give it a few weeks
for the wax to be completely gone before apply decal.

How To Remove Decal From Backing?

1. Starting from one side, apply pressure using a credit card to slide across 
the surface.

2. - Place the decal facing down on a flat surface.
    - Slowly remove the transfer tape from the backing  CAREFULLY, DO NOT RIP THE DECAL.
    - Keep the transfer tape flat, only bend the backing.

3. If part of the decal doesn't come up, go over that area with the
 credit card again.

Decal Application Instruction